Serial moochin Part 17 | سریال موچین قسمت هفدهم

3 min readOct 22, 2020


Serial moochin Part 17 | سریال موچین قسمت 17


moochin episode 17 What is Google Ads? Google Ads, AKA Google AdWords, is Google’s advertising system in which advertisers bid on certain keywords in order for their clickable ads to appear in Google’s search results. Since advertisers have to pay for these clicks, this is how Google makes money from search. This infographic will help you understand how Google Ads works, detailing the Google Ads auction, bidding process and explaining important factors like Quality Score and cost-per-click. If you’re asking “How does AdWords Work?” this page is for you.

danlode moochin 17 Does Google AdWords work? Depending on the competitiveness of the keywords you’re bidding for and the relevancy of that keyword to real conversions for your company, AdWords may or may not work for your business. For the most part, we’ve found that Google AdWords is extremely effective for many kinds of businesses, as long as they don’t waste their money on the wrong keywords, or write weak, low CTR ads.

Trailer serial moochin part 17

serial moochin part 17 Many factors can affect the costs of Google Ads advertising for your business. Learn all about these costs, how bidding works, and the average cost per click for advertisers in our guide to “How Much Does Google Ads Cost?”

mochin 17

moochin 17 The actual position of your ad is determined by your ad rank (Maximum Bid times Quality Score). The highest ad rank gets the 1st ad position. Your actual CPC will be determined by the ad rank of the next highest ad below you divided by your Quality Score.

serial moochin S01E17 | موچین قسمت 17

The only exception of this rule is when you are the only bidder or the lowest bid in the Google Ads auction; then you pay your maximum bid per click! AdWords bidding heavily penalizes advertisers who bid with low quality scores. Conversely, those with high Quality Scores get higher ad ranks and lower CPC.

moochin episode 17 Display ads also work well for re-engagement campaigns, where you show ads to people who have already visited your site in the hopes of getting them to come back again. This is called retargeting (for more info on retargeting

serial mochin part 17 The auction gets run billions of times each month. The results are such that users find ads that are relevant to what they’re looking for, advertisers connect with potential customers at the lowest possible prices and Google rakes in billions of dollars in revenue.

moochin part 17 Your Google ads are eligible to be entered into an auction whenever you’re bidding on keywords relevant to the user’s search query. Your bids, Quality Score, and relevance will come into play in determining whether your ad qualifies to display on the SERP.

serial mochin part 17 Once advertisers identity keywords they want to bid on, Google then enters the keyword from your account that it deems most relevant into the auction with the maximum bid you’ve specified as well as the associated ad.

mochin 17 The average cost per click on Google Ads varies by keyword and industry, but is roughly $2.32 on the search network and $0.58 on the display network. Get more average Google Ads metrics here.

serial moochin S01E17 | موچین قسمت 17

This is a metric Google uses to determine how relevant and useful your ad is to the user, based primarily on your ad’s CTR, keyword relevance, and the quality of your landing page. The higher your Quality Score, the better: high Quality Score keywords will save you money and earn you better ad rankings.

moochin part 17 | موچین قسمت هفدهم

The ad rank is how high on the page the advertisement will be displayed. Quality Score on the other hand is determined by the relevance and usefulness to the searcher and is only a portion of the advertisement positioning process. As of 2013, Google’s Quality score has become more and more valuable as the average quality score has changed from a 7 to 5.

moochin17 Actual CPC is the amount an advertiser pays each time a searcher clicks on their advertisement; this number varies depending on the other advertisers in the auction and is always lower than the maximum bidding price.



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