serial salhaye door az khane part 8 | سال های دور از خانه قسمت 8
serial salhaye door az khane part 8 | سال های دور از خانه قسمت 8
In the first scene of Werner Hertzok’s new movie “Family Loving”, we see a lucky man who has stopped a 12-year-old girl in Tokyo, explaining that her father is leaving the family when the girl is only 16 months old. And now he wants to form a new relationship. Yuichi Ishii, the story man and the girl, have a story about the story, both watching the cherry blossoms in the park of Yuki.
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Until the next scene, everything looks very rural, and we find that all of these programs have come from the mother of the fish, and has recruited Yuichi to introduce himself to the real father of the fish (who had died long ago).
From here on, everything becomes more fun in “family romance,” especially when you find out who introduced himself as a father, owns a Japanese company, “Loving Khanna Daghi,” and plays his role in doing his real job. .
It’s a strange idea to see how much humans are going to communicate, value and even love. It’s a fascinating movie that’s never been confused with other important works by Hertzuc. But anyway, this movie has its own Hertzuc’s own complicated moments.
Filming is done very quickly and with low budget, sometimes the video’s videos randomly have the appearance of video footage. But at other times, Herzog has recorded beautiful and magnificent moments in the strange narrative of this story (which is sometimes very realistic about a company that satisfies your soul for money).
The family love firm is doing all the work with Juichi’s management. Is your husband an alcohol addict who can not spray on your daughter’s wedding? Hire a new husband. (We saw a shy bride in a movie that was arraning his tour, “I’m glad we drove a father”).
Are you worried about reprimands at your workplace from the bosses? Hire him to take all the faults away. Has your life become monotonous since you won the lottery? Talk to you and keep your chevron back in your life.
The judging film does not have such a bizarre business; Herzkok shows us the only images one after the other, and the simple and delicate grid of the exuberant new market depicts emotions.
One can say that another part of the story is narrated in Jessica Hassner’s “Little Joe” that was featured at the Cannes Film Festival. But Hassner creates an overwhelmingly scary horror effect of a mud that has been manipulated by its genetic make-up that makes happy humans happy. Herscock did not overestimate any part and allowed the audience to discover the worrying approach.
Family romance moves slowly between stories, but Youchey and Mahro are one of the main themes of the film. Though the movie does not follow a particular thrill after the first half hour, the complexity that the viewer expects is coming to emerge. When Youchee finds out that he is affiliated with the fish, he asks the mother of the fish: “This is going to make a lot of coughing, is not it?”
Well, yes, the idea of hiring someone to introduce himself rather than the father of a young child is debatable. And while this happened slowly, it can be guessed that from one place on, Youchi deceived himself.
About 90 years ago, Cole Porter wrote in the poem “Love for Sale”, a song about various emotions and physical relationships: “Who is ready to pay the cost of traveling to Paradise?”
“Family Love” is an unusual but appealing film in the unpopularly pleasing genre of Werner Herzeck in the last decade that expresses the idea that a lot of people are prepared to pay for it, but it is likely that something in this transaction will be given a separate meaning He will have paradise.
This article is from Stewart’s blog at
What do other critics think about this movie?
Todd McCarthy | Hollywood Puppet
“Family Love” is a low-profile, but very entertaining, and at the same time Mehrangiz, featured in Hertzak’s works. This film brings with it a self-contained demand; it’s a psychoanalysis and analysis.
Rory Auchner | Stage movie
It’s like Hertzok has made a storyline based on a documentary that does not exist, which is in perfect harmony with his style and style.
Peter Debrug | Variation
The “LLC”, which is in the title of the film (limited liability company), is a clue that this film is not intended to portray the spirit of empathy. Although Herzuk’s humor is mild and kind enough. By contrast, “family romance” is a new recitation of one of the most important human desires to bring back relationships that we do not control in life.
Eric Cohen | Indiaire
Although the strange scheme of the story is not so familiar to us, “family romance” has created a fascinating convergence from the filmmaker and the subject of the film, which is an exceptional situation for Hertzek to address his observations on this subject.
Tags: 8 سریال سال های دور از خانه قسمت, salhaye door az khaneh 8, salhaye door az khane Episode 8, salhaye door az khane part 8, salhaye door az khane 8, salhaye door az khane Episode 8, salhaye door az khane part 8, سال های دور از خانه 8